Frequently Asked Questions

Last Updated: September 11, 2023

  1. Are masks or face coverings required on campus?
  2. How do I complete my own contact tracing?
  3. Does the UE Health Center offer testing for COVID-19?
  4. How (and when) do students seek excused absence from class/work due to COVID-19?
  5. How (and when) should employees seek absence from work due to COVID-19?
  6. My roommate or suitemate tested positive, but I don’t agree with the isolate-in-place method. What can I do?
  7. How do I report someone who I know tested positive but is not isolating and/or didn’t report their test result using the COVID-19 Reporting Form? I’m concerned they may infect others.
  8. Do you know about a visitor, vendor, or affiliate who tested positive?
  9. I am a student living on campus who tested positive and needs to isolate, but I don’t feel comfortable staying in my campus room. What are my options?
  10. I am a student living on campus with a roommate who tested positive. I don’t feel comfortable having that person isolating with me in the room.
  11. I am a student living on campus who has been exposed to someone who tested positive (you are a Close Contact). I need to quarantine, but don’t feel comfortable staying in my campus room.
  12. How do I order a pick-up or have a meal delivery from Dining Services if I am sick, in quarantine, or isolation?
  13. How do I get tested? Where can I get access to tests?
  14. Where do I find out more information regarding high-risk populations?
  15. Where do I find out more information about effective mask options?
  16. Where can I learn more about basic topics related to COVID-19?

Are masks or face coverings required on campus?

Currently, masks or face coverings are not required on campus. UE remains a mask-optional campus. We will continue to monitor local rates and health data while partnering with health professionals as we consider when to update our policies and approach to masks and face coverings. Faculty may request accommodation through the Provost’s office to require masks or face coverings in their classroom.

How do I complete my own contact tracing?

Contact tracing helps others get tested or quarantine as they could begin infecting others. If you test positive, it is your responsibility to identify and communicate with individuals who have spent 15 minutes or more with you over a 24-hour period and were within 6 feet of you up to two days before your first symptom(s) developed.

You should write down all the people you believe are close contacts. Decide if you want to call, text, or email them about the possible exposure. Share with them the CDC recommendations for individuals who are exposed to COVID-19. If you attended classes, meetings, events, or a larger gathering, focus on the individuals who were in direct contact with you (within 6 feet) for 15 minutes or more.

Does the UE Health Center offer testing for COVID-19?

Students can call 812-488-2033 to schedule an appointment at the UE Student Health Center for a $20 fee.

UE Faculty/employees can schedule a covid test at the onsite Employee Medical Clinic by calling 888-492-8722 or by scheduling an appointment online through the patient portal.

How (and when) do students seek excused absence from class/work due to COVID-19?

If you are a close contact of a positive case, you should not seek an excused absence unless you start to develop symptoms.

If you test positive, you should seek an excused absence from your classes. First, complete the COVID-19 Reporting Form. Second, at your earliest opportunity, you should notify your instructors in writing that you will not be attending in-person classes due to illness. Your isolation time period will possibly be 5-10 days, meaning you may be out of class for that period of time. You are still responsible for any work during that time.

We encourage you to request your faculty provide a virtual option for you to call/Zoom into class when possible so you can stay up-to-date with course instruction. This is not going to be an option for all your classes as some course material is more difficult in a virtual setting. Ask if there are additional ways you can stay updated on course material and assignments.

You are responsible for making up any missed work. Keep your faculty member updated on your health in case things improve (and you can end isolation) or you start to feel worse. Call the Health Center if your symptoms worsen and you need additional support.

How (and when) should employees seek absence from work due to COVID-19?

If you are a close contact of a positive case, you do not need to stay home from work unless you start to develop symptoms. (However, you will need to wear a mask to work.)

If you test positive, you should complete the COVID-19 Reporting Form. Notify your supervisor that you will not be attending in-person work due to illness and submit sick time as usual. (COVID-19 sick time is no longer a separate sick time category.) Your isolation time period will possibly be 5-10 days, meaning you may not be in-person for that period of time. Consider discussing working remotely (if possible for your responsibilities and if your symptoms are mild enough to do so).

My roommate or suitemate tested positive, but I don’t agree with the isolate-in-place method. What can I do?

If there are any concerns from roommates, suitemates, or individual students who test positive, we can make accommodations for students to temporarily relocate if space is available. This information will be provided to students who test positive when they fill out the COVID-19 Reporting Form. If roommates or suitemates are concerned about their peer who tested positive, and they do not agree to the isolate-in-place method, contact Residence Life through the Quarantine Request Form for assistance in finding a space for the residential student who tested positive or has symptoms.

How do I report someone who I know tested positive but is not isolating and/or didn’t report their test result using the COVID-19 Reporting Form? I’m concerned they may infect others.

Testing positive and disregarding public health measures in place for COVID-19 is a violation of the Student Handbook and may result in disciplinary action. If you have direct information of someone who tested positive but is not isolating (i.e., they continue to attend class, eat on campus in public spaces, attend events, etc.), contact with the necessary information. The staff within the Office of the Dean of Students may need to contact you for additional information.

Do you know about a visitor, vendor, or affiliate who tested positive?

Visitors, vendors, and affiliates do not complete the COVID-19 Reporting Form. They are permitted back in UE buildings or at University-sponsored activities (on or off campus) after they meet criteria for ending isolation. CDC Guidelines may be helpful for them in determining their isolation end date.

I am a student living on campus who tested positive and needs to isolate, but I don’t feel comfortable staying in my campus room. What are my options?

If you test positive, complete the COVID-19 Reporting Form and request an alternative isolation room. We do encourage students to go home if they are able to do so.

I am a student living on campus with a roommate who tested positive. I don’t feel comfortable having that person isolating with me in the room.

If you don't agree with the arrangements to have your roommate stay with you, you can request different arrangements be made on the Quarantine Housing Request Form.

I am a student living on campus who has been exposed to someone who tested positive (you are a Close Contact). I need to quarantine, but don’t feel comfortable staying in my campus room.

If you need to quarantine on campus and would like an alternative space to do so, you can request a temporary quarantine space by filling out a Quarantine Housing Request Form.

How do I order a pick-up or have a meal delivery from Dining Services if I am sick, in quarantine, or isolation?

If you are on a meal plan and are living on campus, you can order a meal pick up or meal delivery from Dining Services online.

  • You must complete the COVID-19 Reporting Form in order to access the form to request meal service.
  • The meal pick up allows a friend to pick up a meal that you have ordered online from Dining Services.
  • Meal delivery provides delivery of a meal you have ordered online from Dining Services. You will be able to leave your housing briefly with a well-fitting mask to pick up your food in the lobby of your building or the entrance of your residence.
How do I get tested? Where can I get access to tests?

Students can call 812-488-2033 to schedule an appointment at the UE Student Health Center for a $20 fee.

UE Faculty/employees can schedule a covid test at the onsite Employee Medical Clinic by calling 888-492-8722 or by scheduling an appointment online through the patient portal.

Where do I find out more information regarding high-risk populations?

Learn more here: COVID-19 Information for Specific Groups of People.

Where do I find out more information about effective mask options?

Find out more about the Use and Care of Masks.